
Beauty salon renovation


Beauty salon renovation with reception mural.


The costs of a beauty salon renovation can be broadly divided into two categories: design and construction costs.

To carry out a major beauty salon renovation, you will need construction permits approved by the local and central governments. And even if you are designing or planning the interior, it is safer to have a registered renovation firm. Also, interior construction companies can be divided into three types: companies that only do design and planning, those that only do construction, and companies that do both.

If the beauty salon renovation design and planning are done by different companies, the meetings and estimates will be done separately. And negotiations will also be done separately. Furthermore, if a problem occurs, it is easy to become unclear as to who is responsible.

Companies like Wallpaper Kenya that handle design, planning, and construction in one package will provide you with a single point of contact and estimates in one go. Thus reducing the amount of work required for negotiations, etc. In addition, there will be no unclear responsibilities for the beauty salon renovation design and construction.

Salon renovation for diverse clientele

The cost of beauty salon renovation varies between new and existing properties.

Removal of existing fixtures, walls, flooring, and other unwanted elements.


The biggest difference between opening a beauty salon in a new building and in an existing building is the opening budget. Also, it may take longer to demolish and rebuild than it would take to build anew.

In this section, we will explain in detail the differences between beauty salon renovation in a newly built property and in an existing property.

Refurbishment of the beauty salon workstation.

Newly built property, a beauty salon renovation

Since all construction will be done from scratch, the price per square meter will likely be in line with the market price.

Newer buildings have fewer repairs that need to be made, so construction work can be kept to a minimum.

Property with vacant lots


If the previous space was a beauty salon, you can change the sign and some of the finishing touches to open a new space. And the price per square metre may be lower than the market price. On the other hand, it is important to note that demolishing and rebuilding the space will take extra time and money.

In addition, other equipment purchased from the dealer, such as shampoo stations, set chairs, boilers, and POS registers, are often not included in the beauty salon interior construction. So it is important to carefully plan your budget allocation.

Beauty salon remodeling

Full or large-scale beauty salon renovations require demolishing the current structure. Therefore, construction costs are likely to be high due to increased demolition and disposal costs. There may also be problems that only become apparent after demolition (such as water leaks). So a generous financial plan is required.

One thing is common to all construction work, regardless of whether it is a new build, an existing building, or a renovation. That is if there is a limit to the time that the work can be completed, the cost will vary greatly.

There are cases where work can only be done at night due to noise and vibration issues. In such cases, workmen will have to be paid more than usual, resulting in higher labor costs.

Installation of equipment

Installation of beauty salon equipment


The cost of interior construction is not just about visible things such as finishing. But also about the equipment, gas, water, and electricity, which is essential for a comfortable stay at the beauty salon.

Hair salons routinely use heat-generating devices such as hair dryers and hot water. Also, the amount of sunlight entering the building varies depending on the size of the windows and the direction. So the capacity of the air conditioner must be calculated.

Boilers and water heaters are determined by the size and capacity of the water pipes. There are also gas and electric types, each with their characteristics.

Gas boilers and water heaters

They have a strong ability to boil water and are commonly used, so the equipment itself is inexpensive. But if you install one inside a store, it needs to be able to supply and exhaust air. So holes have to be drilled in the building, which requires discussion with the landlord.

Electric boilers and water heaters

The power to boil water is often inferior to gas. And the price of the equipment is a little higher. When installed inside a store, it does not emit harmful substances, so there is no need for air intake or exhaust. And there is no risk of damaging the building. All-electric buildings do not have gas. So it is necessary to check in advance that an electric type is required.

It is difficult to judge the facilities without the necessary knowledge and experience. So it is safer to have a beauty salon renovation contractor accompany you before signing a contract for the property.

How to avoid losing money on construction for a beauty salon renovation

We will tell you how to avoid losses so that you can create a better store with as little waste as possible.

How to save money when choosing a property

First of all, there is the property. Of course, there are physical costs involved, such as the size of the property, but there are also other costs that may be incurred depending on the characteristics of the property, so we will introduce a few of them.

1. Installed capacity

Rigging electrical wires for the new beauty salon.


Although electricity, gas, and water differ depending on the building, there is a required capacity based on the number of styling surfaces and shampooing stations. If the current capacity is insufficient, it is possible to expand under certain conditions. But it will be expensive and the construction will take longer. So you can avoid unnecessary expenses by having an interior contractor with plenty of experience in beauty salon construction look at the building in advance.

2. Number of floors of the property

Although ground floor shops tend to have higher rents, it is easier to keep construction costs down. This is due to the location of equipment and whether or not there is any work to be done at heights outside.

On the first floor, the outdoor unit of the air conditioner can often be installed on the ground within the building site. But on upper floors, the outdoor unit may need to be installed on the roof. In some cases, a large construction vehicle such as a tow truck may be required. And there may be costs involved such as piping up to that point.

Furthermore, when carrying out construction work on the exterior of a building, such as installing signs, it is necessary to set up scaffolding on the upper floors. But on the first floor this can be done with minimal effort.

3. Property environment

As I wrote before, the environment of the property can affect the time when work can be done, which can make the cost more expensive. For example, if work is done only at night, the cost of nighttime allowances will increase. Or if work is done only during the day on weekdays, the work period will be longer due to shorter working hours. The cost will also change depending on the surrounding environment.

In addition to the above, the cost may vary depending on various factors and conditions of the property. So it is important to conduct a site survey with the interior decorator in advance. Wallpaper Kenya will do the site survey for free.

Points to spend and points not to spend

It would be nice if we could make everything better, but start-up capital is limited. And it is less risky to start up by spending as little as possible. However, if you cut costs too much and are unable to operate as a hair salon, it is meaningless.

Points to consider when planning your beauty salon renovation

1. Air conditioning and ventilation

If you simplify things like air conditioners and ventilation fans, you will not be able to create a comfortable environment, regardless of whether it is hot or cold. And in many cases it will end up being expensive to install them later.

2. Electrical work

Only professionals who are accustomed to working in beauty salons may be familiar with the location and capacity of outlets for devices such as hair dryers. And because these are items that are used daily in the course of a hairdresser’s work, it is very important that they can be used without stress.

3. Lighting equipment

If you place too much emphasis on design and low cost, you may end up with a setting surface that is not bright enough, or the color too red. And you may not be able to see the customer’s color and make judgments as a beauty professional, which will not lead to customer satisfaction. So you need to be careful.

Tips for saving money on interior design of a beauty salon

1. Materials

There are various types of materials, such as wood, tiles, and stone. Of course, it would be better if all the interiors were made using real natural materials. But it would be significantly more expensive. The designer and the architect must discuss this thoroughly to limit the range and amount of materials used to make it look effective.

2. Fixtures and furniture

If you order furniture, you can adjust the size and materials to get closer to your ideal. But it will cost you more. By simply replacing fixtures and custom furniture with ready-made products, you can significantly reduce costs.

3. Don’t increase the number of construction jobs

Many different craftsmen are involved in the construction work, including carpentry, electrical engineering, plumbing, and finishing.

Most of the costs are for the labor and transportation costs of the craftsmen. The more types of work and the more craftsmen involved, the higher the costs will be. So it is necessary to hold meetings and consult with the interior design company.

Check the initial and running costs of the materials you will use

There are often cases where air conditioners used by the previous tenant are left behind in properties. Of course, if they can be used as is, that’s fine. But if they are more than 10 years old, replacement or construction work can be expensive if they break. And since they are pre-energy-saving models, they consume a lot of power and have high running costs. So you need to be careful.

Organize what you can do later

To use construction funds effectively, it is necessary to distinguish between construction works that will be more expensive when carried out later after opening and those that will cost the same.

In particular, since many of the facilities will be more expensive if you install them later, we recommend that you prioritize installation. Also, if there are things that will not change the cost even if you install them later, you can use your start-up capital effectively by deciding whether you should do it now or whether you can do it after you get your business running.

Make sure you have ample time in your schedule

When opening a new business, you will be busy with preparations to set up your company. Also, unexpected things can happen. So it is best to prepare for opening with as much time as possible. As a general schedule, it is a good idea to allow about four months from signing a contract to opening.

First month: Selecting an interior contractor and discussing designs and drawings

Second month: Materials, estimates, construction contract

Third month: Interior construction (approximately one month)

4th month: Opening preparation and role-playing

Choosing your beauty salon renovation decorator

When opening a beauty salon, there are other preparations to be made, and getting quotes from multiple contractors can take a lot of time and effort. So it’s important to choose an interior contractor efficiently.

We will tell you how to choose an interior design contractor, the key points to consider, and how to distinguish them.

Things to do before choosing a beauty salon renovation contractor

Interior decorators have areas in which they have expertise and experience.

The same thing can be said not only on a company level, but also on a designer level.

If you hire an interior design contractor or designer who is unfamiliar with the beauty industry, even if the appearance is fine, there is a high risk of problems occurring. Such as poor traffic flow, poor usability, or issues with the facilities, without the experience and know-how.

In addition, there may be a lot of wasted time in meetings discussing the contents of the proposal.

First, we recommend that you choose an interior design contractor who specializes in the beauty industry and has a proven track record.

There are several types of interior design contractors who specialize in the beauty industry. So we will organize them and explain them to you.

1. Interior decorator for a group company that sells beauty equipment, etc.

Companies whose parent or affiliated companies sell beauty equipment and carry out interior construction work are likely to be familiar with the beauty industry and highly specialized. On the other hand, because they sell equipment, they tend to promote their products. So it may be difficult to use equipment from other companies.

2. Companies that only do design and construction

Since they do not sell equipment but instead undertake interior design and construction, they can propose not only beauty equipment but also many pre-made products. This allows them a high degree of freedom in terms of cost and design.

Types of beauty salon renovation contractors

It is recommended that you hire a company that specializes in interior construction work for beauty salons. But there are several other types of interior construction companies.

They are divided into three types: companies that only do design and planning, companies that only do construction, and companies that do both.

1. Design and engineering only companies

If the design and planning are done by different companies, the meetings and estimates will be done separately, and negotiations will also be done separately. Furthermore, if a problem occurs, it is often unclear who is responsible, which can increase the amount of work for the person placing the order.

2. Construction-only companies

When hiring a company that only does construction work and does not have a designer or architect on hand, it is often difficult to communicate ideas about things like the direction of the design.

If you hire a designer or architect separately, this will be an additional cost and may end up being more expensive. So we recommend that you manage your budget carefully.

3. A company that handles design, planning, and construction in one package

Since there is only one point of contact and estimates are issued in one go, the effort of negotiations is reduced. In addition, there is no ambiguity in the responsibility for design and construction. So it is suitable for first-time business owners and busy managers.

How to proceed with interior design of a beauty salon renovation

I would like to see how things go from start to finish.

Decide on the business concept of “who, what, and how”

First of all, before opening a business or opening a store, you need to decide on a business concept. And this is an important part that will be the starting point for everything that follows.

So how do you decide?

One framework is “who, what, and how.”

Who: Target customers and customers you want to visit

What: What services and value do you provide to your customers?

How: how to sell, deliver, and communicate value

This is just one example. So if you clearly explain why you are starting this business and communicate it to the interior contractor, it will be easy for the interior construction company to understand without any hesitation.

Determine the interior design and budget that matches your target before finalizing the property

The location of the store and the surrounding environment are also important factors. No matter how solid your business concept is, if you choose the wrong location, your customer base will change. And your business will not be successful.

Once the business concept is decided, the average customer spending, menu, number of sets, etc. become clear. And the interior image and size of the restaurant can be decided.

It is reassuring to choose a property that is spacious enough and in a location and surrounding environment that matches your interior image. And to check the market price and have an interior decorator accompany you to view the property before signing a contract.

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