Soundproofing of ceiling covering under plasterboard ceiling

ceiling drywall combined with sound insulation

Drywall combined with sound insulation provides good noise absorption and dampens excessive vibrations. It is advisable to use moisture-resistant drywall. In flooding, the risk of damage to the ceiling covering will be excluded. The work is carried out as follows.

Preparation of the ceiling base

Remove old paint, and wallpaper, and whitewash, preferably to the clean floor slab. All cracks and crevices must be sealed.

Primer treatment

The cleaned surface is treated with a special primer. Better buy products with the best antiseptic properties for soundproofing the ceiling.

Frame installation

A metal frame is mounted to the ceiling. The profile system must be sufficiently firmly fixed to withstand the load.

Laying the insulator

Soundproofing building material should either be glued or fixed with fasteners. The main condition is that it fits tightly to the base.

Installation of plasterboard

soundproof ceiling covering with plasterboard sheets.The surface is covered with plasterboard sheets. At the final stage, decorative treatment is performed.

Because the space between the ceiling and plasterboard is covered with sound insulation, this provides reliable protection against noise pollution.

You can perform soundproofing using both stretch ceilings and plasterboard. Before carrying out construction work, it is necessary to consult with specialists. Thanks to this, you will receive the most complete information about the advantages and disadvantages of each method. It should be noted that soundproofing using a stretch ceiling will cost more. However, you can create perfectly smooth surfaces with the best decorative effect without additional finishing measures.