
Interior glass walls


Frameless glass office wall partitions

Frameless glass partitions are structures made of solid glass and fill the space from floor to ceiling. The structures are used for zoning premises when the construction of capital walls is not cost-effective. With the help of such systems, offices and shopping malls allocate separate retail areas and offices, sanitary zones, etc.

The production of frameless partitions is carried out using the following components:

Adjacent sheets are placed with a gap of 1–3 mm without joints. If the structure is more than 3 m high, connectors are installed between the sheets.

Frameless glass partitions are made of tempered glass or triplex. After tempering, the material acquires additional strength and increased heat resistance. Glass can be matte, colored, tinted, or decorated with ornaments, patterns, logos, etc.

Additionally, systems can be equipped with:

Installation of frameless interior glass wall partitions

soundproof glass partition for home office

We design and install several types of all-glass systems:

  • stationary – attached to the floor and ceiling with point clamps;
  • mobile – consists of several modules that can be easily dismantled and moved to a new location;
  • transformable – can be sliding or folding, suitable for quick zoning of space.
Interior glass wall for open plan living room.

Interior glass walls divide spaces

You can divide residential and corporate areas with glass walls to provide privacy and order without altering the initial design. This will help you maintain integral but independent spaces.

They are a good source of ventilation

By having walls with windows or doors you will be able to enjoy the ventilation that they offer. Even though the heat from the light filters through, the glass will help keep the space cool but bright.

They allow the entry of natural light

Another advantage of glass walls is the high level of luminosity that this represents. The natural light that enters the house has many advantages. It can be used and help save energy. And if you have plants, they benefit more than you think.

Interior glass walls connection to the outdoors and nature

Having a large space increases your productivity. But having contact with nature multiplies this. Whether you live in a rural area where your view is full of trees, near the beach, or even in an urban area, this factor can benefit you. Having visibility to the sky or natural elements, your mentality will change and help you in several ways.

Glass walls improve eyesight

Distant nature landscape seen from the interior of a home through glass wall.


Interior glass walls can positively impact well-being, which can indirectly affect eyesight. By maximizing natural light and offering views of the outdoors, glass walls can reduce eye strain, improve mood, and regulate circadian rhythms, all of which contribute to overall health.

Access to natural light and views can also create a more stimulating and engaging environment, potentially reducing fatigue and promoting a sense of openness. However, it’s important to note that glass walls alone won’t directly improve eyesight, and proper eye care and regular checkups are still crucial.

Interior glass block partitions

A glass block is a product with a hermetically sealed cavity of two pressed half-blocks. The area of ​​application of glass blocks is construction and interior decoration. Glass blocks are not used in the construction of load-bearing walls but in partitions and in finishing works as decorative elements. They fit well into any interior and emphasize its uniqueness and individuality.

A wall made of glass blocks can be an excellent interior design solution. Glass, despite its fragility, makes a very strong decorative structure. To build a glass block partition, you need to design it first. At the same time, take into account that glass blocks cannot be cut or sawn, since they then lose their strength. This means that the width of the wall should be equal to the length of one block. At the same time, a beam is prepared from which a frame for the future structure will be made. The frame will give the wall rigidity. The beam is selected so that its width is equal to the width of the glass block.
Then the frame is built. It is attached to the floor and the ceiling. If the wall is to stand at a certain height, then horizontal beams are also installed.

Mounting the interior glass wall

For this, you will need glue or a bonding solution. If the wall is installed in a room with high humidity, it makes sense to use silicate waterproof sealants. The process of installing glass blocks is similar to the process of laying a wall with ceramic tiles.

First, the bottom layer of blocks is laid out. To do this, a layer of bonding solution is applied to the floor, and a spacer is placed in the corner. This tool is a special crosspiece that holds the masonry level. The first glass block is installed on the spacer, which must be pressed from above and pressed against the wall. The next block and all the others are installed similarly, not forgetting to install the next spacer. When the first row of glass blocks is ready, it is necessary to wipe them with a rag to remove excess adhesive solution and check whether the row is installed evenly using a building level. It is also worth measuring the subsequent rows.

Block masonry can be reinforced

Block glass decorative partition.


To increase the strength of the structure, the block masonry can be reinforced with iron rods. To do this, the glass blocks need to be drilled with a drill at low speed. So that the glass does not break. It should be moistened – the future hole is fenced with sides of chewing gum or mortar, and water is poured inside. For the best result, every second or third row of glass blocks should be reinforced.

If you plan to build a glass wall up to the ceiling, then after every six rows are laid out, you need to give the bonding solution time to set. Excess mortar should be removed from the glass blocks immediately. After finishing the work on laying the wall with glass blocks, it is necessary to wash it and polish it with a woolen cloth.

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